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1. 新能源材料与器件; 

New energy materials and new energy devices;

2. 无机纳米材料合成与应用;

Synthesis and application of inorganic nanomaterials;

3. 新一代太阳能电池材料与技术;

New-generation dye-sensitized solar cells and perovskite solar cells;

4. 新一代燃料电池关键材料与技术;

New-generation low-temperature fuel cells and key component materials;

5. 废弃物的资源化循环利用(工业废渣、瓦斯灰、粉煤灰、畜禽粪便、市政污泥等);

Resource recycling of industrial and organic waste (industrial slag, fly ash, livestock manure, municipal sludge, etc.);

6. 可再生能源的清洁利用(太阳能、生物质能、氢能、风能、地热等);

Cleaner utilization for renewable energy resources (solar energy, biomass energy, hydrogen energy, wind energy, etc.);

7. 第一性原理计算与分子动力学模拟;

First-principle DFT calculations, ab-initio CPMD simulations.