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Thermodynamic Geometry of Nonequilibrium Fluctuations in Cyclically Driven Transport
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-14 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.132.207101
Zi Wang 1 , Jie Ren 1

Nonequilibrium thermal machines under cyclic driving generally outperform steady-state counterparts. However, there is still lack of coherent understanding of versatile transport and fluctuation features under time modulations. Here, we formulate a theoretical framework of thermodynamic geometry in terms of full counting statistics of nonequilibrium driven transports. We find that, besides the conventional dynamic and adiabatic geometric curvature contributions, the generating function is also divided into an additional nonadiabatic contribution, manifested as the metric term of full counting statistics. This nonadiabatic metric generalizes recent results of thermodynamic geometry in near-equilibrium entropy production to far-from-equilibrium fluctuations of general currents. Furthermore, the framework proves geometric thermodynamic uncertainty relations of near-adiabatic thermal devices, constraining fluctuations in terms of statistical metric quantities and thermodynamic length. We exemplify the theory in experimentally accessible driving-induced quantum chiral transport and Brownian heat pump.


