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Entanglement Assisted Probe of the Non-Markovian to Markovian Transition in Open Quantum System Dynamics
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-13 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.132.200401
Chandrashekhar Gaikwad 1 , Daria Kowsari 1, 2, 3 , Carson Brame 1 , Xingrui Song 1 , Haimeng Zhang 2, 4 , Martina Esposito 5 , Arpit Ranadive 6 , Giulio Cappelli 6 , Nicolas Roch 6 , Eli M. Levenson-Falk 2, 3, 4 , Kater W. Murch 1

We utilize a superconducting qubit processor to experimentally probe non-Markovian dynamics of an entangled qubit pair. We prepare an entangled state between two qubits and monitor the evolution of entanglement over time as one of the qubits interacts with a small quantum environment consisting of an auxiliary transmon qubit coupled to its readout cavity. We observe the collapse and revival of the entanglement as a signature of quantum memory effects in the environment. We then engineer the non-Markovianity of the environment by populating its readout cavity with thermal photons to show a transition from non-Markovian to Markovian dynamics, ultimately reaching a regime where the quantum Zeno effect creates a decoherence-free subspace that effectively stabilizes the entanglement between the qubits.


