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Rainband-Occurrence Probability in Northern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclones by Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
Geophysical Research Letters ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-13 , DOI: 10.1029/2023gl107555
Gang Zheng 1, 2, 3, 4 , Han Jiang 1 , Liang Wu 5 , Xiaofeng Li 6 , Lizhang Zhou 1 , Qiaoyan Wu 1 , Peng Chen 1 , Lin Ren 1

Rainbands are essential to tropical cyclones (TCs), significantly affecting TC structure and intensity change. High-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery can capture the footprints of rainbands caused by rain-induced sea surface roughness modification. Using 464 SAR TC images, we investigated the rainband-occurrence probability of TCs under different hemispheres, local times (LTs), intensities, and ocean basins. Results show that the rainband-occurrence probability is highest in the downshear-left quadrant for Northern Hemisphere TCs (downshear-right quadrant for Southern Hemisphere TCs). For Northern Hemisphere TCs, the rainband-occurrence probability is overall higher in the early morning (LT), and the peak region of rainband-occurrence probability appears farther from the TC center in the evening (LT). Compared with weak TCs, the rainband-occurrence probability becomes higher for strong TCs in the Northern Hemisphere. Furthermore, TCs have a higher rainband-occurrence probability in the Northwest Pacific than in the North Atlantic and Northeast Pacific.


