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Origami-based bidirectional self-locking system for energy absorption
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2024.105672
Zongbing Chen , Xingyu Wei , Lihong Yang , Jian Xiong

When a periodic cellular structure is subjected to high-intensity loading, lateral splashing can occur, significantly decreasing macro mechanical properties. Periodic structures with self-locking properties can overcome this inherent flaw and achieve excellent performance characteristics, including high energy absorption efficiency. In this regard, thin-walled periodic self-locking dissipative structures have been extensively studied recently. Most existing bend-dominated self-locking dissipative systems are two-dimensional and can only achieve self-locking under specific loading conditions. This paper describes a three-dimensional origami-based bidirectional self-locking system that can achieve self-locking under normal and shear loading. Furthermore, a plastic hinge model revealed the energy absorption mechanism of the origami-based cells, whose specific energy absorption (SEA) is higher than that of other existing bend-dominated self-locking cells. The bidirectional self-locking of the origami-based system was demonstrated through compression, bending and impact tests. This origami-based system has high energy absorption efficiency, and the novel bidirectional self-locking mechanism can significantly broaden the design space for periodic dissipative metamaterials.


