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Case of the month from the Desai Sethi Urology Institute, Florida, USA: bladder outlet obstruction‐induced urinothorax after percutaneous nephrolithotomy
BJU International ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-08 , DOI: 10.1111/bju.16393
Ryan Chen 1 , Joao G. Porto 1 , Ruben Blachman‐Braun 1 , Diana M. Lopategui 1 , Robert Marcovich 1 , Hemendra N. Shah 1


Urinothorax, a rare cause of pleural effusion characterised by the presence of urine in the pleural space, typically occurs iatrogenically after urological procedures or spontaneously due to obstructive uropathies. Its diagnosis centres on high clinical suspicion and the biochemical analysis of pleural fluid, with treatment focusing on alleviating urinary obstruction or treating traumatic injuries [1-3]. While the literature reports cases of urinothorax due to isolated obstructive uropathies (e.g., prostatic adenocarcinoma) [2, 3] or iatrogenic causes [4-7], our case report introduces what we believe to be the first documented instance of urinothorax precipitated by urine retention secondary to an enlarged prostate in the postoperative period after percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) with subcostal access.


美国佛罗里达州 Desai Sethi 泌尿外科研究所本月案例:经皮肾镜取石术后膀胱出口梗阻引起的尿胸


尿胸是胸腔积液的一种罕见原因,其特征是胸膜腔内存在尿液,通常在泌尿外科手术后医源性发生,或由于梗阻性尿路病自发发生。其诊断以高度临床怀疑和胸腔积液的生化分析为中心,治疗重点是缓解尿路梗阻或治疗外伤[ 1-3 ]。虽然文献报道了由于孤立性梗阻性尿路病(例如前列腺腺癌)[ 2, 3 ] 或医源性原因 [ 4-7 ] 引起的尿胸病例,但我们的病例报告介绍了我们认为是第一个有记录的由尿液引起的尿胸病例。经皮肾镜取石术(PCNL)经肋下入路术后,继发于前列腺肥大的滞留。
