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Observational Assessment of Changes in Earth’s Energy Imbalance Since 2000
Surveys in Geophysics ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10712-024-09838-8
Norman G. Loeb , Seung-Hee Ham , Richard P. Allan , Tyler J. Thorsen , Benoit Meyssignac , Seiji Kato , Gregory C. Johnson , John M. Lyman

Satellite observations from the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System show that Earth’s energy imbalance has doubled from 0.5 ± 0.2 Wm−2 during the first 10 years of this century to 1.0 ± 0.2 Wm2 during the past decade. The increase is the result of a 0.9 ± 0.3 Wm−2 increase absorbed solar radiation (ASR) that is partially offset by a 0.4 ± 0.25 Wm−2 increase in outgoing longwave radiation (OLR). Despite marked differences in ASR and OLR trends during the hiatus (2000–2010), transition-to-El Niño (2010–2016) and post-El Niño (2016–2022) periods, trends in net top-of-atmosphere flux (NET) remain within 0.1 Wm−2 per decade of one another, implying a steady acceleration of climate warming. Northern and southern hemisphere trends in NET are consistent to 0.06 ± 0.31 Wm−2 per decade due to a compensation between weak ASR and OLR hemispheric trend differences of opposite sign. We find that large decreases in stratocumulus and middle clouds over the sub-tropics and decreases in low and middle clouds at mid-latitudes are the primary reasons for increasing ASR trends in the northern hemisphere (NH). These changes are especially large over the eastern and northern Pacific Ocean, and coincide with large increases in sea-surface temperature (SST). The decrease in cloud fraction and higher SSTs over the NH sub-tropics lead to a significant increase in OLR from cloud-free regions, which partially compensate for the NH ASR increase. Decreases in middle cloud reflection and a weaker reduction in low-cloud reflection account for the increase in ASR in the southern hemisphere, while OLR changes are weak. Changes in cloud cover in response to SST increases imply a feedback to climate change yet a contribution from radiative forcing or internal variability cannot be ruled out.



来自云层和地球辐射能系统的卫星观测表明,地球的能量不平衡从本世纪头10年的0.5 ± 0.2 Wm −2 翻倍到过去十年的1.0 ± 0.2 Wm −2 这一增加是吸收太阳辐射(ASR)增加0.9 ± 0.3 Wm -2的结果,该增加被出射长波辐射(OLR)增加0.4 ± 0.25 Wm -2部分抵消。尽管在间歇期(2000-2010年)、厄尔尼诺现象过渡期(2010-2016年)和厄尔尼诺现象后(2016-2022年)期间ASR和OLR趋势存在显着差异,但大气层顶部净通量的趋势( NET)每十年保持在0.1 Wm -2以内,这意味着气候变暖正在稳步加速。由于符号相反的弱 ASR 和 OLR 半球趋势差异之间的补偿,NET 的北半球趋势与每十年0.06 ± 0.31 Wm -2一致。我们发现,副热带上空层积云和中层云的大幅减少以及中纬度地区低层和中层云的减少是北半球(NH)ASR趋势增加的主要原因。这些变化在东部和北部太平洋尤其明显,并且与海面温度(SST)的大幅上升同时发生。北半球副热带地区云量的减少和海温的升高导致无云地区的 OLR 显着增加,这部分补偿了北半球 ASR 的增加。中云反射的减少和低云反射的减少较弱是南半球ASR增加的原因,而OLR变化较弱。云量随海表温度增加而变化意味着对气候变化的反馈,但不能排除辐射强迫或内部变率的影响。
