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Direct FE2 multiscale modeling of hydrogen-induced cracking in reactor pressure vessels
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2024.109285
Han Zhao , Kirk Ming Yeoh , Jie Zhi , Vincent Beng Chye Tan

Leveraging on a recently developed multiscale simulation method, we propose a pioneering strategy for the multiscale analysis of hydrogen-induced cracking in reactor pressure vessels that considers micro-voids, their influences on hydrogen diffusion as well as the operating pressure of the vessel. In the finite element analysis, the nodal lattice hydrogen concentration and displacements are exchanged bi-directionally between the macroscale and microscale within a monolithic solution procedure. During the analysis, the voids are shown to cause non-uniform lattice hydrogen diffusion and the trapping effect, resulting in inter-void hydrogen accumulation, is demonstrated. Based on the hydrogen concentration on the void surfaces, the void hydrogen pressure was calculated for the hydrogen-induced cracking analysis. It was found that both internal shearing and necking failure modes exhibited micro-structure dependence. The internal shearing mode caused oriented through-wall propagation of cracks in the vessel pressure while the internal necking mode promoted void nucleation in the reactor pressure vessel. As a result, during the early stages of void evolution, the oriented internal shearing of the dispersed small voids showed a high possibility to induce through-wall failure of the reactor pressure vessel.


反应堆压力容器氢致开裂的直接 FE2 多尺度建模
