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Somatostatin vs. Octreotide for Prevention of Postoperative Pancreatic Fistula The PREFIPS Randomized Clinical Trial A FRENCH 007 - ACHBT Study.
Annals of Surgery ( IF 9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 , DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000006313
Sébastien Gaujoux 1, 2 , Jean-Marc Regimbeau 3, 4 , Guillaume Piessen 5, 6 , Stéphanie Truant 6, 7 , Frantz Foissac 8 , Louise Barbier 9, 10 , Emmanuel Buc 11, 12 , Mustapha Adham 13, 14 , David Fuks 15, 16 , Sophie Deguelte 17, 18 , Fabrice Muscari 19, 20 , Laurent Sulpice 21, 22 , Jean-Christophe Vaillant 1, 2 , Lilian Schwarz 23, 24 , Antonio Sa Cunha 25, 26 , Milena Muzzolini 1, 2 , Bertrand Dousset 15, 16 , Alain Sauvanet 27, 28

Pharmacological prevention of postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) after pancreatectomy is open to debate. The present study compares clinically significant POPF rates in patients randomized between somatostatin versus octreotide as prophylactic treatment.


生长抑素与奥曲肽预防术后胰瘘的比较 PREFIPS 随机临床试验 A FRENCH 007 - ACHBT 研究。

胰腺切除术后胰瘘(POPF)的药物预防尚有争议。本研究比较了随机使用生长抑素与奥曲肽作为预防性治疗的患者的具有临床意义的 POPF 发生率。