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Modeling and analysis for volatile characteristics of lunar water ice
Acta Astronautica ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.04.028
Fulong Zhu , Weiwei Zhang , Lingxin Wang , Shengyuan Jiang , Junyue Tang , Zhenlong Wang

Lunar water ice resources are important space assets for human survival and sustainable living on the Moon. Detection data indicates that the permanently shadowed regions at the lunar poles contain water ice resources. The efficiency of in-situ extraction of lunar water ice resources depends on its volatile characteristics. In the context of extraction and utilization of water ice resources in the permanently shadowed regions, the sublimation and diffusion processes of lunar water ice are investigated by combining the theory of pure ice sublimation with the fractal theory of porous media. On this basis, a volatilization model for lunar water ice is established to examine the effect of temperature, relative density, and water content on the volatile behaviors of lunar water ice. The findings of this study can provide technical and theoretical support for the in-situ exploration, extraction, and utilization of lunar water ice resources and offer insights into the existence and distribution of lunar water ice resources.


