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Dealing With Diversity in Psychology: Science or Ideology?
Perspectives on Psychological Science ( IF 12.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-23 , DOI: 10.1177/17456916241236170
Bernhard Hommel 1, 2

The increasing use of political activist arguments and reasoning in scientific communication about diversity is criticized. Based on an article of Roberts et al. (2020) on “racial inequality in psychological research,” three hallmarks of the intrusion of activist thinking into science are described: blindness to the multidimensional nature of diversity, the failure to distinguish psychological mechanisms from the impact of moderators, and a blindness to agency as an explanation for psychological observations. It is argued that uncritically accepting and introducing political activist arguments into science is likely to damage scientific freedom and independence.



在关于多样性的科学传播中越来越多地使用政治活动家的论点和推理受到批评。基于罗伯茨等人的文章。 (2020)关于“心理学研究中的种族不平等”,描述了激进主义思维侵入科学的三个标志:对多样性的多维本质的盲目性、未能区分心理机制与调节者的影响以及对代理的盲目性作为对心理观察的解释。有人认为,不加批判地接受政治活动家的观点并将其引入科学可能会损害科学的自由和独立。