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Air pollution changes due to COVID-19 lockdowns and attributable mortality changes in four countries
Environment International ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108668
Yiqun Ma , Federica Nobile , Anne Marb , Robert Dubrow , Patrick L. Kinney , Annette Peters , Massimo Stafoggia , Susanne Breitner , Kai Chen

COVID-19 lockdowns reduced nitrogen dioxide (NO) and fine particulate matter (PM) emissions in many countries. We aim to quantify the changes in these pollutants and to assess the attributable changes in mortality in Jiangsu, China; California, U.S.; Central-southern Italy; and Germany during COVID-19 lockdowns in early 2020. Accounting for meteorological impacts and air pollution time trends, we use a machine learning-based meteorological normalization technique and the difference-in-differences approach to quantify the changes in NO and PM concentrations due to lockdowns. Using region-specific estimates of the association between air pollution and mortality derived from a causal modeling approach using data from 2015 to 2019, we assess the changes in mortality attributable to the air pollution changes caused by the lockdowns in early 2020. During the lockdowns, NO reductions avoided 1.41 (95% empirical confidence interval [eCI]: 0.94, 1.88), 0.44 (95% eCI: 0.17, 0.71), and 4.66 (95% eCI: 2.03, 7.44) deaths per 100,000 people in Jiangsu, China; California, U.S.; and Central-southern Italy, respectively. Mortality benefits attributable to PM reductions were also significant, albeit of a smaller magnitude. For Germany, the mortality benefits attributable to NO changes were not significant (0.11; 95% eCI: −0.03, 0.25), and an increase in PM concentrations was associated with an increase in mortality of 0.35 (95% eCI: 0.22, 0.48) deaths per 100,000 people during the lockdown. COVID-19 lockdowns overall improved air quality and brought attributable health benefits, especially associated with NO improvements, with notable heterogeneity across regions. This study underscores the importance of accounting for local characteristics when policymakers adapt successful emission control strategies from other regions.