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Structural disorder determines capacitance in nanoporous carbons
Science ( IF 56.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-19 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adn6242
Xinyu Liu 1 , Dongxun Lyu 1 , Céline Merlet 2, 3 , Matthew J. A. Leesmith 4 , Xiao Hua 4 , Zhen Xu 1 , Clare P. Grey 1 , Alexander C. Forse 1

The difficulty in characterizing the complex structures of nanoporous carbon electrodes has led to a lack of clear design principles with which to improve supercapacitors. Pore size has long been considered the main lever to improve capacitance. However, our evaluation of a large series of commercial nanoporous carbons finds a lack of correlation between pore size and capacitance. Instead, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurements and simulations reveal a strong correlation between structural disorder in the electrodes and capacitance. More disordered carbons with smaller graphene-like domains show higher capacitances owing to the more efficient storage of ions in their nanopores. Our findings suggest ways to understand and exploit disorder to achieve highly energy-dense supercapacitors.


