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Design of a satellite constellation for monitoring inland water quality
Acta Astronautica ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.03.062
Ben Gorr , Daniel Selva , Huilin Gao , Emily Ellis , John Morgan , Molly Stroud , George Allen , Yao Li

Current monitoring strategies for inland water quality are valuable but lack the spatiotemporal resolution to conduct detailed scientific investigations of inland water dynamics. This work examines the design of a satellite constellation that offers spatiotemporal resolution exceeding current capabilities, while maintaining sufficient spectral and radiometric resolution to provide useful scientific data. Previous constellation design work has focused primarily on revisit metrics, which provide only limited insight to the utility of the final design. A novel evaluation function for constellation designs is introduced, which uses an imaging spectrometer model, an observation planner, and a Science and Applications Traceability Matrix (SATM) to score the scientific utility of a constellation. A multi-objective optimization is conducted using this scientific utility and cost to produce a set of optimal designs ranging from a pair of CubeSats to a constellation of small satellites. Sensitivity analysis is performed to ensure that the evaluation function used is representative of realistic constellation performance. Results suggest that a constellation of agile small satellites has the potential to compete with large satellites in scientific utility.


