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Sweet regulation – The emerging immunoregulatory roles of hexoses
Journal of Advanced Research ( IF 10.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jare.2024.04.014
Junjie Xu , Yuening Zhao , Randall Tyler Mertens , YiMin Ding , Peng Xiao

It is widely acknowledged that dietary habits have profound impacts on human health and diseases. As the most important sweeteners and energy sources in human diets, hexoses take part in a broad range of physiopathological processes. In recent years, emerging evidence has uncovered the crucial roles of hexoses, such as glucose, fructose, mannose, and galactose, in controlling the differentiation or function of immune cells. Herein, we reviewed the latest research progresses in the hexose-mediated modulation of immune responses, provided in-depth analyses of the underlying mechanisms, and discussed the unresolved issues in this field. Owing to their immunoregulatory effects, hexoses affect the onset and progression of various types of immune disorders, including inflammatory diseases, autoimmune diseases, and tumor immune evasion. Thus, targeting hexose metabolism is becoming a promising strategy for reversing immune abnormalities in diseases.


