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Boosting nature’s capacity for carbon drawdown: An integrated approach
Matter ( IF 18.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2024.03.003
Wenkai Zhu , Yun Zhang , Tian Li

Carbon cannot be erased; we are simply moving it from one storage pool to another. Biomass serves as a carbon reservoir through which carbon cycles. Over time and at scale, the working forests, the earth’s most powerful climate regulator and home to a mosaic of vigorously growing trees, sequester atmospheric CO2 at impressive rates through their harvesting-regrowing cycle. Biomass-derived products extend carbon storage beyond the forests’ capacity in the forms of thousands of consumer products in daily lives, like our furniture and houses. The more we use and recycle these nature-based, carbon-storing materials, the less dependent we are on carbon-intensive fossil products.



碳无法被擦除;我们只是将其从一个存储池移动到另一个存储池。生物质作为碳库,通过其进行碳循环。随着时间的推移和规模的扩大,工作中的森林——地球上最强大的气候调节器,也是生长旺盛的树木的家园,通过其采伐-再生长周期以惊人的速度封存大气中的CO 2 。生物质衍生产品以日常生活中数以千计的消费品(例如我们的家具和房屋)的形式将碳储存扩展到森林的容量之外。我们越多地使用和回收这些基于自然的碳储存材料,我们对碳密集型化石产品的依赖就越少。
