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Hidden costs of entering self-employment: the spouse’s psychological well-being
Small Business Economics ( IF 7.096 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s11187-024-00906-2
Safiya Mukhtar Alshibani , Ingebjørg Kristoffersen , Thierry Volery

Spouses are known to play a critical supportive role for the self-employed, yet very little evidence is available concerning how entrepreneurial pursuits affect the spouse. The present analysis offers a contribution by evaluating short-term psychological well-being dynamics among spouses of individuals entering self-employment, using panel survey data from Australia. We construct matched control samples based on a range of relevant characteristics to mitigate selection bias and find that spouses of self-employed individuals report substantially higher levels of well-being before entry into self-employment and experience a modest but statistically significant decrease in well-being following entry. This is consistent with the hypothesis that self-employment demands substantial psychological capital from spouses. These patterns hold for both genders, with only moderate gender differences identified. In contrast, spouses of those entering self-employment from unemployment report improvements in well-being.



