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Ovoids of Q(6, q) of low degree
Designs, Codes and Cryptography ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s10623-024-01388-9
Daniele Bartoli , Nicola Durante , Giovanni Giuseppe Grimaldi

Ovoids of the parabolic quadric Q(6, q) of \(\textrm{PG}(6,q)\) have been largely studied in the last 40 years. They can only occur if q is an odd prime power and there are two known families of ovoids of Q(6, q), the Thas-Kantor ovoids and the Ree-Tits ovoids, both for q a power of 3. It is well known that to any ovoid of Q(6, q) two polynomials \(f_1(X,Y,Z)\), \(f_2(X,Y,Z)\) can be associated. In this paper we classify ovoids of Q(6, q) with \(\max \{\deg (f_1),\deg (f_2)\}<(\frac{1}{6.3}q)^{\frac{3}{13}}-1\).


低阶 Q(6, q) 的卵形

\(\textrm{PG}(6,q)\)抛物线二次曲面Q (6  , q )的卵形在过去 40 年得到了广泛的研究。它们只有在q是奇素数幂且存在Q (6,  q ) 的两个已知卵形家族,即 Thas-Kantor 卵形和 Ree-Tits 卵形,且q均为3 的幂时才会出现。已知Q (6,  q )的任何卵形都可以关联两个多项式\(f_1(X,Y,Z)\)\(f_2(X,Y,Z)\) 。在本文中,我们对Q (6,  q )的卵形进行分类: \(\max \{\deg (f_1),\deg (f_2)\}<(\frac{1}{6.3}q)^{\frac{ 3}{13}}-1\)
