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Confronting the Gordian Knot: Disentangling Gifted Education’s Major Issues
Gifted Child Quarterly ( IF 2.409 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-04 , DOI: 10.1177/00169862241239617
Del Siegle 1 , Talbot S. Hook 1 , Kenneth J. Wright 1

What are the key challenges facing the field of gifted education? In this qualitative study, we posed this question to some of the field’s eminent leaders and scholars. Overwhelmingly, our respondents mentioned problems of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA). Respondents also discussed problems concerning identification, the limited use of research-based practices, and insufficient support from outside the field; they also touched upon larger theoretical issues like the lack of clarity surrounding our conceptions of giftedness and the purposes of gifted education. In this article, we trace a brief history of the problems and paradigms of our field, share our study’s results, some theoretical and practical connections among the most pressing issues, and implications for moving our field forward.


