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Production methods and applications of bioactive polylactic acid: a review
Environmental Chemistry Letters ( IF 15.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10311-024-01729-z
Patrícia S. Ferreira , Sónia M. Ribeiro , Rita Pontes , João Nunes

Bioplastics appear as an alternative to fossil fuel-derived plastics because bioplastics are carbon neutral and often biodegradable, thus potentially solving the issues of plastic pollution and climate change. In particular, polylactic acid is a substitute for traditional petrochemical-based polymers. Here, we review polylactic acid production with focus on surface modification and integration of bioactive compounds. Surface can be modified by chemical treatment, photografting, surface entrapment, plasma treatment, and coating. Bioactive compounds can be incorporated by encapsulation, impregnation, melt blending, solvent casting, electrospinning, and in situ polymerization. Biomedical and packaging applications are discussed.



