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Fractional diamagnetic Kepler problem and elastic collisions
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2024.107995
Eduardo Scafi , Marcus Werner Beims

In this work, we consider an application of fractional derivatives to realistic physical situations, namely the elastic collision of particles and the nonintegrable diamagnetic Kepler problem. The origin of fractional dynamics can be nonlocal interacting dynamics, memory effects, environments with fractal interacting properties, and relaxation processes, among others. In the case of collisions, considering identical and distinguishable particles, additional solutions appear compared to non-fractional dynamics. For specific velocities of one particle before the collision, several velocities of the other particle are allowed after the collision. Consequently, novel velocity distributions emerge. For the diamagnetic Kepler problem, the fractional dynamic strongly affects the regular and quasi-regular regimes of motion, while the completely chaotic motion remains essentially unaltered. Besides, we derive a fractional momentum-like integral of motion for the pure fractional Kepler problem.


