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Carrier-doping-driven insulator-metal transition in disordered materials for memristive switching with high uniformity
Applied Physics Reviews ( IF 15.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-19 , DOI: 10.1063/5.0171193
Ke Chang 1, 2 , Renzhi Wang 1, 2 , Xinhui Zhao 1, 2 , Anhua Dong 3 , Peng Bao 1 , Zhuyikang Zhao 1 , Hui Wang 1, 2

Attaining highly uniform operations in a disordered system presents a persistent challenge. The utilization of ion migration in amorphous materials to trigger the resistive switching process of the material usually results in inferior uniformity of the memristive device. Here, we demonstrate that the resistive switching behavior can be activated through carrier doping in the disorder system, and highly ordered resistance modulation is achieved in Ag-doped albumen. By manipulating the doping level of the carrier, the localization of the free electron wavefunction can be tuned, leading to multi-level variations in resistance. This memristive switching behavior is in all electronic and displays excellent switching uniformity, holding great potential for applications in high-density memories and neuromorphic computing chips.


