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Extraversion and low introversion more equivalent to high introversion in depression during COVID‐19
Journal of Personality ( IF 5.429 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1111/jopy.12931
Nicholas Lassi 1

ObjectiveThis study investigated whether forms of extraversion‐introversion produced different depression‐related outcomes before and during the COVID‐19 pandemic.MethodOne‐way MANCOVAs were conducted to investigate the relationship between extraversion‐introversion and depressive symptoms. These data were sourced from the NLSY97, consisting of 4846 individuals born between 1980 and 1984.ResultsDuring pre‐pandemic periods, high introversion increased the risk of depressive symptoms. During the pandemic, the risk for depressive symptoms was more equivalent, or less predominately high‐introvert‐based, among extraverted/low introverted and high introverted subjects.ConclusionsExtraversion/low introversion was linked with increased depression, relative to high introversion, during the pandemic. The findings raise significant questions about how individuals with distinct personality traits may experience changes in their psychological well‐being during challenging public health events.


外向性和低内向性更相当于 COVID-19 期间抑郁症的高度内向性

目的本研究调查了在 COVID-19 大流行之前和期间不同形式的外向-内向是否会产生不同的抑郁相关结果。方法采用单向 MANCOVA 来调查外向-内向与抑郁症状之间的关系。这些数据来自 NLSY97,由 1980 年至 1984 年出生的 4846 名个体组成。 结果在大流行前时期,高度内向会增加抑郁症状的风险。在大流行期间,在外向/低内向和高度内向的受试者中,抑郁症状的风险更为相似,或者以高度内向为基础的风险较小。结论在大流行期间,相对于高度内向的受试者,外向/低内向与抑郁症增加有关。这些发现提出了一个重要问题:具有独特人格特征的个体在具有挑战性的公共卫生事件中如何经历心理健康的变化。