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Large‐Scale Numerical Simulation of the Solid Lubricant Behavior in the Leg Joints of Insects
Advanced Theory and Simulations ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-03 , DOI: 10.1002/adts.202301236
Alexander E. Filippov 1 , Konstantin Nadein 1 , Stanislav N. Gorb 1 , Alexander Kovalev 1

Semi‐solid lubricant in the leg joints of insects is represented by tiny cylindrical fragments. The dynamics of lubricant behavior between contact surfaces at the joint scale are investigated using numerical simulation. Results of modeling show that lubricant fragments tend to stick together and form clots of varying shapes and sizes under the influence of shear motion. Formation of such clots, accompanied by constant loss and reproduction of the lubricant, allows maintaining of fluctuating clearance between contact surfaces and helps to reduce friction. Foreign contaminant particles penetrating an open insect joint are removed by the lubricant, to which they stick, reducing abrasive wear.


