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Understanding Loneliness in Late Life
Current Opinion in Psychology ( IF 6.813 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2024.101801
Oliver Huxhold , Katherine L. Fiori

Loneliness in late adulthood is a public health issue. Thus, understanding the etiology of loneliness is of critical importance. Here, we conceptualize the development of loneliness in late life as dynamic interactions between individual and contextual processes. Specifically, we suggest that loneliness arises if the existing social relationships are unable to meet a set of social expectations. These expectations are fulfilled by three different layers of the social structure: 1) close confidants; 2) broader social networks; and 3) involvement in the community. Although older adults experience losses in their broader network and engage less in the community, they may avoid loneliness by focusing on close confidants. However, these adaptations may make it more difficult for older adults to overcome loneliness.


