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Metal Hydrides for Advanced Hydrogen/Lithium Storage and Ionic Conduction Applications
Accounts of Materials Research ( IF 14.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-20 , DOI: 10.1021/accountsmr.3c00267
Xin Zhang 1 , Zichen Lou 1 , Mingxia Gao 1 , Hongge Pan 1, 2 , Yongfeng Liu 1, 2, 3

The widespread deployment of solar and wind energy requires advanced energy storage technologies to address the intermittent energy output and the loading limit of the current power grid. Materials are of critical importance for energy storage and conversion. Under such circumstances, development of the advanced energy storage materials featuring high capacity, large energy density, and good safety has been taking center stage in the research areas of physics, chemistry, and materials science. As a class of multifunctional materials, metal hydrides with great potential for energy-related applications such as rechargeable batteries, hydrogen energy storage, thermal storage, and ion conduction are one of the core focuses in the current development of advanced energy materials.


