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Combination strategies for advanced-stage urothelial carcinoma: a paradigm shift
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology ( IF 78.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-26 , DOI: 10.1038/s41571-024-00861-7
Nimira Alimohamed , Srikala S. Sridhar

Durable responses with first-line platinum-based chemotherapy for advanced-stage urothelial carcinoma are rare, and patient outcomes are poor. Recently, CheckMate 901 became the first phase III trial to establish a significant overall survival benefit from a combined chemoimmunotherapy approach in this disease setting. Herein, we discuss key findings from CheckMate 901 and their implications in the context of a rapidly evolving treatment landscape.



一线铂类化疗对晚期尿路上皮癌的持久缓解很少见,而且患者预后较差。最近,CheckMate 901 成为第一个 III 期试验,证明联合化学免疫治疗方法在这种疾病中具有显着的总体生存获益。在此,我们讨论 CheckMate 901 的主要发现及其在快速发展的治疗环境中的影响。