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Reactive human–robot collaborative manipulation of deformable linear objects using a new topological latent control model
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing ( IF 10.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2024.102727
Peng Zhou , Pai Zheng , Jiaming Qi , Chengxi Li , Hoi-Yin Lee , Anqing Duan , Liang Lu , Zhongxuan Li , Luyin Hu , David Navarro-Alarcon

Real-time reactive manipulation of deformable linear objects is a challenging task that requires robots to quickly and adaptively respond to changes in the object’s deformed shape that result from external forces. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed for real-time reactive deformable linear object manipulation in the context of human–robot collaboration. The proposed approach combines a topological latent representation and a fixed-time sliding mode controller to enable seamless interaction between humans and robots. The introduced topological control model offers a framework for controlling the dynamic shape of deformable objects. By leveraging the topological representation, our approach captures the connectivity and structure of the objects’ shapes within a latent space. This enables improved generalization and performance when handling complex deformable shapes. A fixed-time sliding mode controller ensures that the object is manipulated in real-time, while also ensuring that it remains accurate and stable during the manipulation process. To validate our proposed framework, we first conduct motor-robot experiments to simulate fixed human interaction processes, enabling straightforward comparisons with other approaches. We then follow up with human–robot experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.


