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The Acquisition of Black Language by Spanish-Speaking Preschoolers: A Community-Based Sociolinguistic Approach to Language Assessment.
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-20 , DOI: 10.1044/2023_lshss-22-00125
Chelsea Privette 1 , Leah Fabiano 2

PURPOSE The purpose of this case series was to demonstrate a community-based sociolinguistic approach to language sample analysis (LSA) for the evaluation of Spanish-English bilingual preschoolers acquiring Black language (BL). As part of a comprehensive bilingual speech-language evaluation, we examined sociolinguistic variables in the context of the children's English language samples. Specific emphasis is placed on sociolinguistic information to account for all language(s) and dialect(s) in each child's environment, BL feature patterns, and appropriate scoring procedures for characterizing language use. METHOD This case series includes four monolingual English-speaking and four bilingual Spanish-English-speaking 4-year-olds in a linguistically diverse preschool program. Play samples were collected from each child and coded for morphosyntactic features across three categories: BL, Spanish-Influenced English, and shared. Measures derived from the language samples include percent grammatical utterances, mean length of utterance in words, and number of different words. The children's language is characterized within a community-based sociolinguistic approach that combines three culturally responsive methods for assessment found in the speech-language pathology literature in addition to a novel sociolinguistic questionnaire. RESULTS We explain how conducting LSA using a community-based sociolinguistic approach yields diagnostically relevant information that is pertinent to conducting a comprehensive and accurate evaluation of preschoolers in linguistically diverse settings without the use of standardized assessments. CONCLUSION A community-based sociolinguistic approach to LSA is a useful procedure for mitigating misdiagnosis in preschoolers reared in linguistically diverse environments.



目的本案例系列的目的是展示基于社区的社会语言学方法进行语言样本分析 (LSA),以评估西班牙语-英语双语学龄前儿童学习黑人语言 (BL)。作为全面双语言语评估的一部分,我们检查了儿童英语语言样本中的社会语言变量。特别强调社会语言学信息,以考虑每个儿童环境中的所有语言和方言、BL 特征模式以及用于表征语言使用的适当评分程序。方法 本案例系列包括四名单语英语和四名双语西班牙语-英语的 4 岁儿童,他们参加了语言多样化的学前教育项目。从每个孩子那里收集游戏样本,并针对三个类别的形态句法特征进行编码:BL、受西班牙影响的英语和共享英语。从语言样本中得出的度量包括语法话语百分比、话语的平均长度以及不同单词的数量。儿童语言的特征采用基于社区的社会语言学方法,该方法结合了言语语言病理学文献中发现的三种文化响应评估方法以及新颖的社会语言学问卷。结果我们解释了如何使用基于社区的社会语言学方法进行 LSA 产生诊断相关信息,这些信息与在不同语言环境中对学龄前儿童进行全面、准确的评估相关,而无需使用标准化评估。结论 基于社区的 LSA 社会语言学方法对于减少在语言多样化环境中长大的学龄前儿童的误诊是一种有用的方法。