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Convergent FEM for a Membrane Model of Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-28 , DOI: 10.1137/22m1521584
Lucas Bouck 1 , Ricardo H. Nochetto 2 , Shuo Yang 3

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 61, Issue 6, Page 2887-2916, December 2023.
Abstract. We design a finite element method for a membrane model of liquid crystal polymer networks. This model consists of a minimization problem of a nonconvex stretching energy. We discuss properties of this energy functional such as lack of weak lower semicontinuity. We devise a discretization with regularization, propose a novel iterative scheme to solve the nonconvex discrete minimization problem, and prove stability of the scheme and convergence of discrete minimizers. We present numerical simulations to illustrate convergence properties of our algorithm and features of the model.



《SIAM 数值分析杂志》,第 61 卷,第 6 期,第 2887-2916 页,2023 年 12 月。