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Invoking Uncertainty: Parents' Accounts for Intrusions on Medical Authority in Pediatric Neurology.
Journal of Health and Social Behavior ( IF 5.179 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-21 , DOI: 10.1177/00221465231194052
Keith Cox 1

In pediatric medical visits, parents may assume the role of co-caregiver with clinicians. At times, parents challenge physicians' authority to determine diagnoses and treatments for their children. The present study uses conversation analysis to examine parents' accounts for their intrusions on medical authority in a corpus of 35 video-recorded pediatric neurology visits for overnight video-electroencephalogram monitoring. I show how parents can exploit their legitimate role as carers to challenge medical authority. Through invoking uncertainty in contexts where they have somehow challenged medical authority, parents can account for their conduct in ways that elide direct conflict with physicians and thereby minimize damage to the physician-family partnership.



在儿科就诊中,父母可以承担临床医生共同护理人员的角色。有时,父母会挑战医生为孩子确定诊断和治疗的权威。本研究使用对话分析来检查父母对医疗权威的侵犯,该语料库包含 35 个儿科神经科就诊视频,用于夜间视频脑电图监测。我将展示父母如何利用他们作为照顾者的合法角色来挑战医疗权威。通过在以某种方式挑战医疗权威的情况下引入不确定性,父母可以以避免与医生发生直接冲突的方式解释自己的行为,从而最大限度地减少对医生与家庭伙伴关系的损害。