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Narrative Retell Assessment Using "Frog" Stories: A Practice-Based Research Speech-Language Pathology Partnership Exploring Story Equivalency.
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-01 , DOI: 10.1044/2023_lshss-22-00124
Caitlin Coughler 1 , Taylor Bardell 2 , Mary Ann Schouten 3 , Kristen Smith 3 , Lisa M D Archibald 1

PURPOSE Narrative abilities are an important part of everyday conversation, playing a key role in academic settings, at home, and in social interactions. As narrative assessments are an effective method for identifying children falling below age expectations, it has been recommended they be included as a routine part of clinical language assessments. It is important that assessments meet the needs of clinicians and their practice. The current study is a practice-based research partnership, where research questions arose from a partnership with school-based speech-language pathologists (SLPs). Working together, SLPs and researchers evaluated a bespoke narrative retell assessment tool. The current study examined recall of events in two wordless picture books, in order to evaluate story equivalency and determine if the tool was appropriate for progress monitoring. These findings were then used to develop local norms. METHOD Two hundred sixty-three students were recruited across 12 schools in kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2. Students completed the narrative retell task, retelling either One Frog Too Many or Frog Goes to Dinner, followed by answering 10 comprehension questions related to story events. RESULTS A significant effect of story was found for both main and supporting events recalled, but not for total events recalled. Total events recalled were found to be predicted by grade only. An examination of percent events recalled revealed four main and four supporting events in each story that were potentially misclassified. Reanalysis following reallocation revealed no significant effect of story for main or supporting events recalled. Normative values for each grade were created using percentile ranks of total events recalled. CONCLUSION Through a practice-based research partnership, researchers and clinicians worked collaboratively to evaluate a tool, adapt its use, and improve evidence-based practice in a manner that was appropriate and met the needs for the clinical context.



目的 叙事能力是日常对话的重要组成部分,在学术环境、家庭和社交互动中发挥着关键作用。由于叙述评估是识别低于预期年龄的儿童的有效方法,因此建议将其作为临床语言评估的常规部分。评估满足临床医生及其实践的需求非常重要。目前的研究是一项基于实践的研究合作伙伴关系,其中的研究问题来自与学校言语病理学家(SLP)的合作。SLP 和研究人员共同评估了定制的叙事复述评估工具。当前的研究检查了两本无字图画书中事件的回忆,以评估故事的等效性并确定该工具是否适合进度监控。这些发现随后被用来制定当地规范。方法 12所学校的幼儿园、一年级和二年级招募了263名学生。学生完成叙事复述任务,复述“一只青蛙太多”或“青蛙去吃晚饭”,然后回答 10 个与故事相关的理解问题事件。结果发现故事对回忆的主要事件和支持事件都有显着影响,但对回忆的全部事件没有显着影响。发现回忆的总事件仅按年级进行预测。对回忆事件百分比的检查显示,每个故事中有四个主要事件和四个支持事件可能被错误分类。重新分配后的重新分析显示故事对回忆的主要或支持事件没有显着影响。每个等级的标准值是使用回忆的总事件的百分位等级创建的。结论 通过基于实践的研究伙伴关系,研究人员和临床医生合作评估工具,调整其使用,并以适当且满足临床背景需求的方式改进循证实践。