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The nature of misinformation in education
Current Opinion in Psychology ( IF 6.813 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2023.101734
Panayiota Kendeou 1 , Victoria Johnson 1

In this opinion piece, we review and characterize the nature of misinformation in education and discuss the implications for corrective efforts. In education, misinformation manifests at three different levels: the individual, the community, and the system. At the individual level, misinformation manifests as naive beliefs or misconceptions students hold before they receive instruction or because of instruction. At the community level, misinformation manifests as shared flawed views or misconceptions about certain topics often around risk factors and treatments of learning disabilities. At the system level, misinformation manifests as state or district educational policies and practices that have no scientific evidence. Thus, corrective efforts in education must be implemented at all three levels and follow best practices.



