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Adapting Curricula for Children With Language Comprehension Deficits.
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-17 , DOI: 10.1044/2023_lshss-22-00189
Mindy S Bridges 1 , Maura Curran 2 , Corinne Neal 1 , Shayne Piasta 3 , Kandace Fleming 4 , Tiffany Hogan 2

PURPOSE We will describe how a multisite research team adapted a language-focused curriculum to be used in a scale-up project. Specifically, we identified underlying principles to modify a Tier 1 whole-classroom language comprehension-focused curriculum to be used as a Tier 2 small-group curriculum with children identified as at risk for low language comprehension, including children with developmental language disorder (DLD). METHOD We discuss how researchers used the following five guiding principles to adapt a curriculum for children at risk for low language comprehension, including children with DLD: (a) increased and ongoing professional development, (b) simplification of language input, (c) increased scaffolding, (d) attention to distributed practice, and (e) materials to support diversity and inclusion. RESULTS We used these guiding principles to modify a popular language-based curriculum used in schools across the country. CONCLUSION This clinical focus article showcases how guiding principles and frameworks for adaptation, within implementation science, can serve as a guidepost for speech-language pathologists and other educators who are adapting or scaling up a curriculum or intervention that was not designed for their target population.



目的我们将描述多地点研究团队如何调整以语言为中心的课程以用于扩大项目。具体来说,我们确定了修改以语言理解为重点的第 1 级全课堂语言理解课程的基本原则,将其用作针对被确定为语言理解能力低下风险的儿童(包括患有发展性语言障碍 (DLD) 的儿童)的第 2 级小组课程。方法 我们讨论研究人员如何使用以下五项指导原则,为语言理解能力低下的儿童(包括患有 DLD 的儿童)调整课程:(a) 增加和持续的专业发展,(b) 简化语言输入,(c) 增加脚手架,(d) 对分布式实践的关注,以及 (e) 支持多样性和包容性的材料。结果 我们利用这些指导原则修改了全国各地学校使用的流行的基于语言的课程。结论这篇临床焦点文章展示了实施科学中的适应指导原则和框架如何为言语病理学家和其他正在调整或扩大并非针对目标人群设计的课程或干预措施的教育工作者提供指导。