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“State captured” policy advice? Think tanks as expert advisors in the Western Balkans
Policy and Society ( IF 10.104 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-07 , DOI: 10.1093/polsoc/puad021
Irena Djordjevic 1 , Diane Stone 2

Few scholars have dedicated their attention to the role of think tanks as policy experts within captured states. We investigate how, why, and to what extent think tanks are used in the captured states in the Western Balkans. Our assumption was that think tanks could become party to the processes of “capture”. However, original findings from focus group and interviews with think tankers show that think tank expertise is perceived as an imposed obligation—from external pressures and existing national regulatory frameworks. Accordingly, incorporation of think tank policy advice is fulfilled to an extent, but not necessarily for the sake of improving the quality of public policies. In this environment, think tanks are enrolled in the simulacra of inclusive policy deliberation without substantially influencing policy making. Nevertheless, these organizations have developed creative mechanisms to survive, preserve their independence, and still foster advice uptake within captured bureaucracies. Openly value-driven advice is the overarching one.


