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A Generic Implementation Framework for School-Based Research and Practice.
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-11 , DOI: 10.1044/2023_lshss-22-00171
Rouzana Komesidou 1 , Tiffany P Hogan 1

PURPOSE One of our biggest challenges is integrating evidence-based research into practice to serve students with communication disorders. To encourage the systematic application of research findings into practice, implementation science offers frameworks and tools, many of which have a narrow scope. It is important to have comprehensive frameworks that encompass all essential implementation concepts to support implementation in schools. METHOD Guided by the generic implementation framework (GIF; Moullin et al., 2015), we reviewed implementation science literature to identify and tailor frameworks and tools covering all core concepts of implementation: (a) the process of implementation, (b) the domains and determinants of practice, (c) implementation strategies, and (d) evaluations. RESULTS We created a version of the GIF for school settings, called the GIF-School, to bring together frameworks and tools that sufficiently cover core concepts of implementation. The GIF-School is accompanied by an open access toolkit, which lists selected frameworks, tools, and useful resources. CONCLUSION Researchers and practitioners, in speech-language pathology and education more broadly, who seek to apply implementation science frameworks and tools to improve school services for students with communication disorders may turn to the GIF-School as a resource. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL https://doi.org/10.23641/asha.23605269.



目的我们最大的挑战之一是将基于证据的研究融入实践,为患有沟通障碍的学生提供服务。为了鼓励将研究成果系统地应用到实践中,实施科学提供了框架和工具,其中许多框架和工具的范围都很狭窄。重要的是要有一个涵盖所有基本实施概念的综合框架来支持学校的实施。方法 在通用实施框架(GIF;Moullin 等人,2015)的指导下,我们回顾了实施科学文献,以确定和定制涵盖所有实施核心概念的框架和工具:(a)实施过程,(b)领域和实践的决定因素,(c) 实施战略,以及(d) 评价。结果 我们创建了一个适合学校环境的 GIF 版本,称为 GIF-School,将充分涵盖实施核心概念的框架和工具结合在一起。GIF-School 附带一个开放获取工具包,其中列出了选定的框架、工具和有用的资源。结论 在言语病理学和更广泛的教育领域,寻求应用实施科学框架和工具来改善学校为患有沟通障碍的学生提供的服务的研究人员和从业人员可以将 GIF-School 作为资源。补充材料 https://doi.org/10.23641/asha.23605269。