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Relations between Theatre and Power: The Iranian Quarterly Faslnameh Teatr (1977—)
New Theatre Quarterly Pub Date : 2023-01-30 , DOI: 10.1017/s0266464x22000367
Fahimeh Najmi

The quarterly journal Faslnameh Teatr has been published in the Iranian capital of Tehran since 1977, although with some interruptions. In a country where, since the Islamic Revolution, systematic efforts have been made to erase any trace of past monarchies, the continued publication of this journal proves to be an extremely rare, if not unique, occurrence. Of course, the prominence of the Ta’zieh ritual gives imposing visibility to the current dominant ideology within Iranian society, and the journal is effective in propagating the desired vision of the ruling Shi’ite power. The journal, then, since its very inception, has been intertwined with the affairs of power and has been consistently used as a tool in the hands of the agents of cultural politics in Iran. It has become the mirror of the country’s highly ideological cultural policy and, as a result, studying it provides knowledge of the fluctuations of culture in general, and of the theatre in particular, in Iran. Fahimeh Najmi is the author of Le Théâtre, l’Iran, et l’Occident (L’Harmattan, 2018) and of articles in Alternatives théâtrales and Registres. Deprived of work in Iran after five years of teaching, including in the Faculty of Art and Architecture of Tarbiat Modares University (TMU) in Tehran, she now lectures and researches in France. She holds a doctorate in Theatre Studies from the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris.


剧院与权力的关系:伊朗季刊 Faslnameh Teatr (1977—)

季刊法斯纳剧院自 1977 年以来一直在伊朗首都德黑兰出版,尽管有一些中断。在一个自伊斯兰革命以来一直在系统地努力抹去过去君主制痕迹的国家,这本杂志的继续出版被证明是极其罕见的,如果不是独一无二的话。当然,突出的塔齐耶仪式使伊朗社会当前占主导地位的意识形态具有很强的知名度,该杂志有效地宣传了什叶派统治力量的理想愿景。因此,该杂志从一开始就与权力事务交织在一起,并一直被用作伊朗文化政治代理人手中的工具。它已成为该国高度意识形态文化政策的一面镜子,因此,研究它可以提供有关伊朗总体文化,尤其是戏剧的波动的知识。Fahimeh Najmi 是剧院、伊朗和西方(L'Harmattan,2018)和文章备选方案 théâtrales寄存器。在德黑兰 Tarbiat Modares 大学 (TMU) 艺术与建筑学院任教五年后,她在伊朗被剥夺了工作,现在她在法国讲学和研究。她拥有巴黎新索邦大学戏剧研究博士学位。