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Nuclear Data Sheets for A=141
Nuclear Data Sheets ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2023.01.002
N. Nica

The experimental results published before August 2022 from the various reaction and decay studies leading to nuclides of Z=51 to Z=67, 141Sb, 141Te, 141I, 141Xe, 141Cs, 141Ba, 141La, 141Ce, 141Pr, 141Nd, 141Pm, 141Sm, 141Eu, 141Gd, 141Tb, 141Dy, 141Ho in the A=141 mass chain have been reviewed and the data are presented together with adopted level schemes and properties. This work supersedes the previous evaluation of the A=141 nuclides by published by N. Nica in Nuclear Data Sheets 122, 1 (2014).


A=141 的核数据表

2022 年 8 月之前发表的各种反应和衰变研究的实验结果导致 Z=51 到 Z=67、141 Sb、141 Te、141 I、141 Xe、141 Cs、141 Ba、141 La、141 Ce、141 Pr, 141 Nd, 141 Pm, 141 Sm, 141 Eu, 141 Gd, 141 Tb, 141 Dy, 141A=141 质量链中的 Ho 已经过审查,数据与采用的级别方案和属性一起提供。这项工作取代了之前由 N. Nica 在核数据表 122, 1 (2014) 中发表的对 A=141 核素的评估。
