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After the Storm: Regeneration, Repair, and Reestablishment of Homeostasis Between the Alveolar Epithelium and Innate Immune System Following Viral Lung Injury
Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease ( IF 36.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-21 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-pathmechdis-031621-024344
Joseph D Planer 1, 2 , Edward E Morrisey 1, 2, 3, 4

The mammalian lung has an enormous environmental-epithelial interface that is optimized to accomplish the principal function of the respiratory system, gas exchange. One consequence of evolving such a large surface area is that the lung epithelium is continuously exposed to toxins, irritants, and pathogens. Maintaining homeostasis in this environment requires a delicate balance of cellular signaling between the epithelium and innate immune system. Following injury, the epithelium can be either fully regenerated in form and function or repaired by forming dysplastic scar tissue. In this review, we describe the major mechanisms of damage, regeneration, and repair within the alveolar niche where gas exchange occurs. With a focus on viral infection, we summarize recent work that has established how epithelial proliferation is arrested during infection and how the innate immune system guides its reconstitution during recovery. The consequences of these processes going awry are also considered, with an emphasis on how this will impact postpandemic pulmonary biology and medicine.


