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Nuclear Data Sheets for A=267,271,275,279,283,287,291,295,299
Nuclear Data Sheets ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2022.05.003
C. Morse

Information on the production, identification, half-lives and decay modes for experimentally known nuclides with mass numbers of 267, 271, 275, 279, 283, 287, and 291, along with attempts to observe nuclides with mass numbers of 295 and 299, are presented along with the recommended values. Data here supersede data from the previous evaluation in this region, 2005Gu33. Since the previous evaluation many new and conclusive experiments have explored the region of superheavy nuclei, thus significantly expanding our knowledge of the nuclear chart in this area.


A=267,271,275,279,283,287,291,295,299 的核数据表

有关质量数为 267、271、275、279、283、287 和 291 的实验已知核素的产生、鉴定、半衰期和衰变模式的信息,以及对质量数为 295 和 299 的核素的观察尝试,与推荐值一起显示。这里的数据取代了该地区先前评估的数据,2005Gu33。自上次评估以来,许多新的结论性实验探索了超重核区域,从而显着扩展了我们对该区域核图的了解。
