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A Bioecological Perspective of Emotional/Behavioral Challenges for Gifted Students of Color: Support Needed Versus Support Received
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders ( IF 1.889 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-04 , DOI: 10.1177/10634266221076466
Kristina Henry Collins 1 , Mary Ruth Coleman 2 , Tarek C. Grantham 3

In this article, we highlight Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological approach to explore identity formation and the impact of dynamic interactions between the student and their environment in the development of self-concept, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. We examine the complex interactions between student-identity and the systems of support that are meant to help them achieve academic success; looking specifically at how the intersections between race, ethnicity, learning exceptionalities, and socioeconomic standing affect students who are identified as gifted and as emotionally/behaviorally challenged. Our call to rethink the services offered to students in special and gifted education leads to a proposed culturally responsive and enhanced multi-tiered system of supports (CR-MTSS). We believe the CR-MTSS approach can better address the strength of students with or a risk for developing emotional and behavioral challenges, supporting each student’s success.



在本文中,我们重点介绍了 Bronfenbrenner 的生物生态学方法来探索身份形成以及学生与环境之间的动态互动对自我概念、自尊和自我效能的发展的影响。我们研究了学生身份与旨在帮助他们取得学业成功的支持系统之间的复杂相互作用;特别关注种族、民族、学习特殊性和社会经济地位之间的交叉点如何影响被认定为有天赋和情感/行为受到挑战的学生。我们呼吁重新考虑为特殊和天才教育学生提供的服务,从而提出了一个具有文化响应性和增强的多层次支持系统 (CR-MTSS)。
